2018년 1월 22일

Swordcraft in Shadowlog Report Jan 21st | Shadowverse/CGS/Rotation

You can see full report from here: https://shadowlog.com/trend/2018/3/0/r

This is Shadowlog report for CGS Rotation. NOTE: This report is not official. This report was built manually by user.

Swordcraft winrate is 49.3%. Maybe, it's similar with my idea.

But winrate of Shadowcraft was unexpected. Because, I think Shadowcraft is stronger than Swordcraft. I have a terrible feeling about Shadowcraft.

Of course, you should be aware that the number of Shadowcraft users(10990 games) is overwhelming than Swordcraft(5043 games).

This is Swordcraft report. This shows Shadowcraft winrate is also lower than Swordcraft.

It is so strange. It is so different from my experience. Why?

This is Shadowcraft report by deck type. This shows Midrange Shadow and Aggro Shadow is much powerful but other is not. Maybe this is reason about Shadowcraft winrate is lower than Swordcraft.

This is Swordcraft report by deck type. This shows the Ambush Sword is powerful. Now, I have to study this.
한국어요약: 네크가 로얄보다 약해보이는 건 즐겜덱들 때문일지도. 비록 네크가 1티어 꼴찌라고 해도 여전히 유저는 많은 듯. 그리고 의외로 잠복로얄 승률이 좋은데 연구해 볼 가치는 있을 듯.

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제법 오랜 시간동안 구글 블로거 플랫폼을 이용해 웹로깅을 해 왔는데, 구글은 블로거를 발전시키는데 큰 의지가 없다고 느껴지고 있습니다. 기능의 발전은 없고 종종 에러도 나고 불편함만 늘어나고 있네요. 블로거에 대한 실망감이 점점 높아가고 있습니다. ...

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