2018년 1월 30일

Luminous Commander Sword Deck Recipe | Shadowverse/CGS/Rotation

Luminous Standard (3) : Whenever an allied Commander follower comes into play, give it +1/+1.
Durandal the Incorruptible : Summon by Roland. All allies cannot receive more than 4 damage at a time from followers, spells, effects and amulets.
These two amulets are useful for each. But by combining both, it is more effective.

How to play with this deck? Watch the video above. :-)

To be honest, this deck is not good. But it is interesting. If you loves strong Luminous Mage or Albert, this may give another pleasure to you.

최근 게시물

제법 오랜 시간동안 구글 블로거 플랫폼을 이용해 웹로깅을 해 왔는데, 구글은 블로거를 발전시키는데 큰 의지가 없다고 느껴지고 있습니다. 기능의 발전은 없고 종종 에러도 나고 불편함만 늘어나고 있네요. 블로거에 대한 실망감이 점점 높아가고 있습니다. ...

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